CSS glossary entries for ‘M’

The margin property is a CSS ‘shorthand property’ which allows you to set all of the ‘margin properties’ on a CSS ‘layout box’ in a single statement.
Margin collapse
Margin collapse is the process by which ‘vertically adjacent’ margins on ‘normal flow’ ‘block boxes’ will typically overlap one another, so as to ensure that each type of page component has the appropriate amount of visible whitespace above and below it. When two differently sized margins overlap one another, the browser will render sufficient whitespace to accommodate the larger of the two.
Margin edge
The margin edge is the outer edge of the margin area in a CSS ‘layout box’. See ‘box model’, ‘margin collapse’.
Matches-any selector
The matches-any selector (E:matches(s1, s2)) is a ‘functional pseudo-class’ selector introduced in CSS4. IT targets all of the elements matched by the selectors listed in its argument. For example *|*:matches(:hover,:focus) matches any element that is being hovered or focused, regardless of where it occurs within the document. Please note, pseudo-elements cannot be matched by this selector.
The max-height property is a CSS property which specifies the maximum distance between the top and bottom of a CSS ‘layout box’. The top and bottom edges concerned can vary, according the selected elements' ‘box-sizing’ value. See ‘height’ and ‘box-sizing’ for details.
The max-width property is a CSS property which specifies maximum distance between the left and right edges of a CSS ‘ layout box’. The edges concerned can vary, according the selected elements' ‘box-sizing’ value. See ‘height’ and ‘box-sizing’ for details.
The min-height property is a CSS property which specifies the minimum distance between the top and bottom of a CSS ‘ layout box’. The top and bottom edges concerned can vary, according the selected elements' ‘box-sizing’ value. See ‘height’ and ‘box-sizing’ for details.
The max-width property is a CSS property which specifies minimum distance between the left and right edges of a CSS ‘ layout box’. The edges concerned can vary, according the selected elements' ‘box-sizing’ value. See ‘height’ and ‘box-sizing’ for details.
Mouseover selector
The Mouseover selector (E:hover), also known as the ‘hover selector’ or ‘hover state selector’, is a CSS ‘pseudo-class selector’ which targets an element when the user's mouse pointer is positioned over that element. It is most commonly used to change the presentation of links when they are being hovered over, e.g. to activate a drop-down menu, to create a rollover effect, or to activate a pop-up tool-tip. Such usage has become much less popular in recent years, because the fingers you use on touch-screen mobile devices cannot create a mouse-hover state. However, we recommend that it should continue to be deployed alongside any JavaScript method that might be used to navigate or change the display by touch, i.e. to provide a fallback for browsers and screen readers which do not have JavaScript enabled.

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